Labels:bulletin board | earth | person | reckoner | sky OCR: abeqefght jk/mnepgrstuvwxyz ATCOEPGHIJ "KLMNO"PQ'RSTUVWXYZ 0123456789' !@#$% &*- +=>,<.[3\ ":;/? 12 T'ps Cuick bretun fex Jmps er/6 ths derg. 10 The quick brewn fex Jumps o'Ver the lazy deg. 24 The Tuick brown fex jumps o'ver the Iazy deg. The quick bro'wh feX Jumps over the tazy deg. The Cuick brown fcX Jumps over the Iazy deg. The Tuick brown fex Jumps ever the Iazy fop The brown feX Jumps ever the lazy abcdefghi mhepgrsbuVwXyz ATCOEPCHIJ 0123456769 bretwn Jimps derd brawn brewh